Author : Ibrahim Mahmoud Mahdi Mostafa
CoAuthors : YA Elziny, MA Mohamadien, ASEHM Hassan
Source : American Journal of Engineering Research
Date of Publication : 01/2020
Abstract :
The implementation of public–private partnership (PPP) had increased but still there is a need
for more research investigation. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the Strengths, Weakness,
Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of PPP and its implementation in Egypt. SWOT analysis technique of PPP
is applied to demonstrate to which extent the implementing of PPP is suitable in Egypt. The research revealed
that the strengths of PPP in Egypt provide a new source of investment capital for required infrastructure
projects; reduce government sovereign borrowings and associated risks; stimulate job creation; benefit of
private sector experience in running public services and increase quality of public services to the Egyptian
citizen. While the weakness of PPP are noted in the limited capacity of central and satellite PPP units, public
criticism to PPP, delays in approvals, resistance to change and project ownership issues. The major
opportunities founded in the interest of international investors; stability of foreign exchange rates; develop a
long term benchmark for interest rates; and in the mutual benefits of experiences among partners. Finally, the
threats of these PPP are the bureaucratic; lack of political support; Corruption; changes in laws and
regulations; time consumed due to negotiations; and economic instability
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