Author : Mohamed Abolella Abdellatif Gaber
Source : COLOR research and application
Date of Publication : 06/2015
Abstract :
The spectral overlap of color-sampling filters increases errors hen using a!iagonal Matri" Transform, !MT, for color correction and reduces color distinction#$pectral sharpening is a transformation of colors that as introduced to reduce color-constancy errors hen the colors are collected through spectrally overlapping filters# Theearlier color constancy methods improved color precision hen the illuminant color ischanged, but they overloo%ed the color distinction# &n this paper, e introduce a ne spectralsharpening techni'ue that has a good compromise of color precision and distinction, based onreal physical constraints# The spectral overlap is measured through observing a gray referencechart ith a set of real and spectrally dis(oint filters selected by the user# The ne sharpeningmethod enables to sharpen colors obtained by a sensor ithout %noing the camera responsefunctions#
E"periments ith real images shoed that the colors sharpened by the ne methodhave good levels of color precision and distinction as ell# The color-constancy performanceis compared ith the data-based sharpening method in terms of both precision anddistinction#
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