Author : Rana Khallaf
CoAuthors : AboSeif, E.
Source : CIGOS2019 Conference, Vietnam.
Date of Publication : 06/2019
Abstract :
The Last Planner System (LPS) has been the focus of several studies in the Lean Construction community. Previous research has focused on defining lean in construction, its implementation in various projects, and the challenges facing the implementation. However, no research has addressed lean implementation in Egypt. Therefore, this paper addresses the obstacles facing LPS adoption in the Egyptian construction industry and proposes a framework for LPS implementation in Egypt. A questionnaire survey is carried out involving a number of construction industry stakeholders to identify the current market knowledge on LPS and the challenges expected from its implementation in Egypt. The proposed framework details the techniques to be followed during the project life cycle and how to measure the effect of LPS on the overall project performance. The framework also tackles the expected challenges and proposes key solutions for each one. This paper aims to push the boundaries of the current state of the construction industry in Egypt by proposing the implementation of LPS and the steps needed for its adoption in Egypt.
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