Author : Ibrahim Mahmoud Mahdi Mostafa
CoAuthors : Khaled Heiza and Ahmed Salah
Source : International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management
Date of Publication : 06/2016
Abstract :
The objective of this research is to assess the reliability of earned value measures implemented in the construction control process. These measures are related directly to the main project's objectives-time, cost and quality. The reliability of earned value measures (EVMs) was conducted through a survey done on a sample of constructing companies using judgmental sampling methodology. Questionnaire forms and direct interviews were implemented with experts from the construction industry. The questionnaire design reflects to which extent the reliability of EVMs. These surveys were based on the non-probability judgmental sampling and analyze the results to identify the effect of earned value measures on the reality. The analysis of questionnaire survey and structured interviews illustrated that there are a great impact of EVMs on the reliability of construction control process
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