Author : Hosam Elhegazy
CoAuthors : Ibrahim Abdel Rashid, Said Yousif Aboul Haggag
Source : Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research
Date of Publication : 04/2015
Abstract :
The purpose of the study discussed in this paper is improving
the crew productivity for the construction of steel structure projects. The research was conducted by personal interviews, literature
review, researchers’ knowledge, telephone calls and correspondence via an email. It was designed model on Matlab in measuring and
evaluation the crew productivity of construction of steel structure projects based on the several factors that affect the construction of
steel structure process. It is recommended that contracting and consulting firms to improve the crew productivity for the construction
of steel structure projects before starting and during the construction of projects. The construction industry can use the findings in
this paper as a basis for improving the crew productivity for the construction of steel structure projects.
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