Author : Mohamad Abd-Alraheim Badr
CoAuthors : Madbouly, S. O, Soliman, H .F
Source : Proceedings of future university first international conference on new energy and environmental engineering (ICNEEE-2016),Cairo, Egypt,April,11-14,2016,pp.35-42.
Date of Publication : 04/2016
Abstract :
for three phase (3-ph) induction motors based on direct torque
control (DTC). The main function of the DTC is to control the
flux, developed torque and the direction of rotation. Many
industrial applications require a precise speed control. Most of
the available controller techniques could not grantee keeping the
3-Ph induction motor speed constant, while subjected to
mechanical load disturbances. A high rejection of the effect of
mechanical disturbance is achieved through using the proposed
technique with an excellent motor speed regulation as shown in
the simulation results. Different speed trajectories have been
carried out to verify the robustness of the controller. A variable
gain PI controller is introduced to cover all speed references and
provide to be an efficient controller.
Keywords— Speed Control; 3-Ph Induction Motors; Direct
Torque Control; and Variable Gain.
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