Author : Ramadan Moawad
CoAuthors : Samar Ali Abdallah
Source : European Journal of Scientific Research
Date of Publication : 04/2015
Abstract :
Automated test generation for object-oriented software typically consists of
producing sequences of calls aiming at high code coverage. Test coverage is sometimes
used as a way to measure how thoroughly software is tested. Coverage is used by software
developers and sometimes by vendors to indicate their confidence in the readiness of their
software. This survey studies and compares 7 coverage-based testing tools focusing on, but
not restricted to coverage measurement. We also survey additional features, including
program prioritization for testing, assistance in debugging, automatic generation of test
cases, and customization of test reports. Such features make tools more useful and
practical, especially for large-scale, real-life commercial software applications. This paper
discusses the technical challenges that are testing tools need to address when handling Java
classes coming from real-world open source projects, and when producing JUnit test suites
intended for real users.
Keywords: Unit testing, Automated test generation, Search-based testing, Testing classes
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