Author : Dr Ibrahim Saleh
Source : Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research
Date of Publication : 02/2009
Abstract :
Audiences and societies face a double jeopardy because of the current trend for global crusading journalism and campaigning journalist(s). The real motivations behind the current media approaches to Islam is the real controversy here, and the question remains on whether such misinterpretation of the Qur'an is religious as it appears, or is it in fact a politically manipulated enigma?The text of the Qur'an has been a point of endless controversial debates. Many of the argumentative issues such as suicide killings, polygamy and female genital mutilation have been a result of people misreading the Qur'an text, and not putting the meaning in context. These misconceptions have all resulted in the global misperception of the holy text of Muslims.Religion and the media are today intertwined in powerful and profound ways. This reflects a situation of much significance. The dilemma is that (for many) the media is the central source of information about religions other than our own, and yet it seems ill prepared for the role it plays. Besides, religion can no longer control its own story or its own symbols, or how these religious ideas, symbols and claims surface.
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