Author : Ghadeer Badr
Source : Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences
Date of Publication : 01/2015
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the demographic variables would affect employees' feelings of alienation towards work. The research used two industries, namely training and management consulting organizations in Egypt. Questionnaires were administered to 300 employees working in this field to test the role of demographics with regard to the feelings of work alienation. Research results revealed no significant differences between gender and the level of work alienation, a positive relationship between age and the level of work alienation, a significant difference between marital status and the level of work alienation, a significant difference between employees occupying various managerial positions and the level of work alienation, and no significant difference among employees with different educational backgrounds and the level of work alienation. It is proposed that future research should examine more demographic variables such as income level as well as other different industries to enhance generalization of the results. The findings furnish an explanation for the level of work alienation in relation to different demographic variables. This helps create a structural body of work tied to demographics rather than reliance on individual predictors.
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