Author : Ramadan Moawad
Source : 18th Int. Conf. On Computer Theory & Applications, Alex –Egypt 2008.
Date of Publication : 01/2008
Abstract :
Abstract — Companies need to know if the
implementation of software applications has succeeded or
failed. In case of success, companies frequently fail to
understand and measure the impact of that success on
their business processes. If a industrial company
implements new technology, the main target is to improve
efficient business processes. This paper establishes a new
methodology to Define and Measure the Impact Level
(DMIL). This methodology DMIL based on different
evaluations criteria, and author's experience. This
methodology helps companies to know how to measure
chance rate to achieve target by using software application
, and evaluate achievement percentage of targets (business
/ technology) improvement during the milestones of a given
software project lifecycle.
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