Author : Mohamed Abolella Abdellatif Gaber
Source : Okayma University
Date of Publication : 01/2008
Abstract :
A new color constancy method was recently
introduced in [1] using a camera attachment “nose”,
which is visible in the image, for spatial measurement of
illumination color in the scene. The illumination
measurement principle relies on the appearance of
highlights or satisfaction of the gray world assumption
inside a scene area. However, the nose size was big in
the system and its image occupied 25% of the image
In this paper, the previous system is modified by
reducing the nose size which becomes suitable for
measuring uniform illumination color in the scene. In the
modified system, the nose image appears continually as a
small triangle in an image corner occupying less than 3%
of the image area. The color correction algorithm
processes the saturated pixels to give them a natural
A novel technique to balance image colors optically is
also introduced that preserves the color resolution in the
corrected image. Extensive experiments were carried out
which confirmed the effectiveness of the new system.
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