Highlights of the Festival:
- The Festival starts with a folklore performance
- Daily exhibitions of FUE students’ Fine Arts productions (i.e., ceramics, sculpture, accessories, caricature, portraits, painting and El-khayyamia patchwork, mosaic and photography.
- Throughout the days of the Festival, a workshop to practice the art of drawing, cartoons and comics will be available for the University students.
- A photography workshop will be held during the period of the Festival; photographs of the various festival activities will be taken throughout the workshop,
- The Festival will include a representation of Al Suhaymi House accompanied by an oriental music performance, using oriental instruments (oud, anoon, etc.), as well as poetry recital evenings.
- The Festival includes an Al Suhaymi’s Musical Corner playing oriental music pieces accompanied by songs sung by FUE’s talented
- A daily Fine Arts gallery of handmade market products comprising carpets and accessories made of silver as precious stones.
- Khan Khalili and Ancient Egypt Bazaars exhibiting handcrafts, handmade products made of (silver - gemstones - ornaments - copper) as well as Kerdasa products.
- Egyptian Bedouin Art Gallery and the Gallery of Productive Families Association (Beit El Rizk)